Value Through Holistic Design

For many project managers, internal cushioning is a necessary evil, relegated to an afterthought, set up initially and rarely revisited.
For many industries, the solution for protecting a larger or irregularly shaped part is simply to increase the amount of packaging, whether it’s packing peanuts, Foam-in-place, corrugated, etc…
Here at FiberCel we use top-notch engineering to design for packageability, increasing protection with the ideal amount of material. This innovative approach to cushioning design results in a final product that is easier to use in your facility and provides superior protection for your products.
Increasing effectiveness of your shipping protection decreases incidents of damage and can convert packaging from a necessary expense to an element of your supply chain that provides value.
When reevaluating your internal packaging and cushioning, the FiberCel approach is most effective when we can work with the product in its current pack. Taking a holistic approach, not just seeing the part itself but how it goes into and comes out of its pack, how it stacks for transport, etc… allows us to think outside the box and provide a complete engineered solution to your packaging needs.
FiberCel is able to provide superior cushioning performance with a light weight material that can eliminate surface scuffing. Molded Pulp is a durable, recyclable, volume-efficient packaging solution that in many cases can reduce labor costs for handling by up to 15%.
Contact us today to find out how FiberCel can help lower your costs through superior design.
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